What is code optimisation?

Code optimization is a technique to transform the code of your website by improving it.
Because the quality of your code has a direct impact on the speed of your site, and the speed of your site has a direct impact on your rankings. Google doesn’t want to show bloated, slow, and difficult-to-use websites. So if your load times make customers wait more than a few seconds, you’ve lost them.
As part of our ‘Done For You’ SEO service, we help your site consume fewer resources and deliver higher load speeds. Whether we’re working with your existing web dev team to provide a step-by-step roadmap to better code, or we’re building a brand new SEO-friendly website from scratch, we can give you the speed Google needs.
You’re stuck in neutral without code optimization
You can’t overtake your competition if you’re driving with the handbrake on - and that’s exactly what happens to the majority of websites built by “award-winning designers” or “online freelancers”.
35% of websites in the world are built on WordPress, an open-source platform. Continually updated, WordPress has created an entire ecosystem of developers who support the website building platform by contributing 54,000 free plugins and tens of thousands of themes.
These plugins and themes give you unlimited design choices, but they can clog your website’s code too. And with the average Aussie business adding 20 to 30 plugins to their WordPress website, it doesn’t take long before a good-looking site becomes a slow-crawling nightmare on the back-end.

We make sure Google can read your code and your website can be found

Your website’s code can seem overwhelming, which leaves most SME’s to ignore it and hope it doesn’t cause a problem.
Which is the fastest way for it to cause a problem.
Your code isn’t scary. It’s just the language that Google “reads” to understand what your site is about and how it should be displayed. Without telling Google about your website, you’ll never build the trust required for Google to rank you on page #1. At the same time, a mess of plugins and redundant code slows your load time to a crawl.
The result? You’re left with a slow, bloated, and confusing website that isn’t easily found and doesn’t generate new leads for your business.
Solving the #1 problem with WordPress templates
It’s important that you know what your website is capable of - and what problems it has right now.
Countless people and agencies get into the web development business with no formal software education or training. Once an open-source system - like WordPress - is modified in any way, it’s unique.
This means almost every WordPress site is built differently depending on the approach taken by the developer. On top of this free plugins aren’t often updated, which makes them security risks for hackers to access your site.
If you’ve got a flashy WordPress site built on a template you’ll have a website with enough code for 20 websites. No matter how eye-catching your homepage looks or how sophisticated your choice of font is, your site is bloated, slow to load, and without a chance of ranking on Google’s first page

Frequently Asked Questions About Code Optimization
HTML. CSS. WTF? We’re not here to fill your head with technical acronyms. We’re here to make your website faster and more appealing to customers. When people can easily browse your site, they’re more likely to do business with you. Read on for the jargon-free answers to your most pressing technical SEO questions.
This is a common question from Australian SMEs. Put simply, optimized code performs better. By eliminating redundant code we can help make your website a slimmer, trimmer site. Optimized code loads quicker, and runs into fewer problems. 1 out of 2 people will leave a site that doesn’t load within 3 seconds, so code optimization isn’t a luxury, it’s crucial to bring in consistent website leads.
Technical SEO sounds dry, dull, and boring. So we keep things simple. Our three-step process means you don’t need to worry about learning an entirely new marketing discipline. Here’s how we keep your website fast and efficient.
Step One: Website analysis and assessment
Step Two: Custom recommendations for your developer or web design agency
Step Three: If your web team doesn’t have the skills or interest in fixing their mess, we’ll optimize your code for you
BONUS STEP: If your code is beyond repair, you may benefit from a brand new website that’s built with SEO principles in mind. Claim a FREE consultation to find out if your site can be fixed.
One size doesn’t fix all when it comes to poor or inefficient code. We help improve your website development with a range of technical SEO strategies, including:
Compress website images
Reduce unnecessary plugins
Minimise Javascript and CSS files
Utilise website caching
Implement Gzip compression
CMS database optimization
Reduce unnecessary web fonts
Identify and fix 404 errors
Reduce unnecessary 301 redirects
Apply the prefetching technique